Greek Tortoises: Vulnerable Species (VU-IUCN)
Its wide distribution goes from North Africa to the Caucasus, passing through Mediterranean European regions such as the coastal and pre-coastal systems of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The wide distribution of this Testudo, has led scientists to differentiate it into 17 subspecies, and the Testudo Graeca Graeca is the one that lives in the Murcian-Almeria area where we grow our organic aloe vera. Despite this, they are very fragmented populations, and the species is currently considered as vulnerable by IUCN - presenting a high probability of joining "endangered species".
Among the main risk factors, we find:
- Loss and fragmentation of their habitat.
- Captivity.
- Forest fires.
- Wild urbanism.
- Bad and irresponsible farming.
In ATALAYA BIO we are strongly aware of the responsibility to cultivate in a privileged natural environment (framed in the Natura 2000 Network), whose conservation must be compatible with our agricultural activities. Therefore, we prioritize the use of traditional farming methods and collaborate in nature conservation actions.
In the next article, we will talk about the Testudo Project, are you going to miss it?