The Key Role of the Sheep in Agroecology
As a natural consequence of the richness and high fertility of the soil on which we cultivate, adventitious weeds form around our aloe vera plantations. These are unwanted plants that grow within the crops, competing for nutrients, water, sunlight, and space with aloes.
Weed control in organic and biodynamic agriculture is of utmost importance to maintain the health and productivity of crops. Unlike conventional agriculture, which uses chemical herbicides, organic agriculture relies on natural and sustainable techniques to control unwanted weeds. Some of the most commonly used techniques include mechanical cultivation, organic mulching, the use of ground coverings, and animal grazing. Besides, all of these techniques promote biodiversity, improve soil structure, and prevent the accumulation of chemical residues in food, thus contributing to a healthier and environmentally friendly agricultural production.
Here at ATALAYA BIO, we have the privilege of having great partners and allies, both bipeds and quadrupeds! Today, we want to introduce you to our elite agroecological squadron: our relentless sheep flock. Why did we decide to include sheep in our crops? The answer is very simple and straightforward: selective sheep grazing is a natural method of weed control that allows us to maintain biodiversity in our crops and ensure that our aloe vera plants receive the maximum amount of nutrients and sunlight possible, without the need for ground coverings. Sheep have an incredible instinct to select which weeds to eat, and they respect the aloe vera plants in our plantation – they do know who rules here in the farm. Thanks to the adventitious weeds growing around our crops, pollinating insects have wild flowers, and sheep have fresh, natural, and organic food throughout the year! Additionally, they deposit their sheep manure onto the soil, which enhances its fertility in the most natural way, stimulating the healthy growth of our aloe vera plants as well as the emergence of new adventitious weeds that pollinating insects and sheep will feed on, starting a new natural and agroecological cycle where everything is truly interconnected.
Beyond agrosustainability, sheep also significantly contribute to fire prevention. In drought-prone areas such as southeastern Spain, sheep grazing reduces the fuel load, thereby reducing the risk of accidental fires spreading to the forests surrounding our cultivation environment. This aspect is particularly important on our farm located in the Natura 2000 network, with 160 hectares of coniferous forest around it, where the protection of biodiversity coexisting with our organic and biodynamic aloe vera plants is an absolute priority that we constantly ensure.
Choosing ATALAYA BIO is synonymous with supporting an agroecological system where everything is interconnected, promoting biodiversity and caring for our fields and forests. By purchasing our responsible and committed aloe vera products, you join us on a journey towards a more sustainable and healthier future.
Thank you for choosing us!