Learn how to distinguish quality aloe vera cosmetics
Aloe vera market is saturated with highly processed products (lyophilized, rehydrated ...) from other continents. It is common to be in front of deeply artificial products, with a minimal contribution of the recognized properties of aloe vera. In addition, many of those products that claim aloe as an ingredient, often have a tiny percentage of it.
So, do quality aloe vera products exist?
Fortunately yes, although they are not easy to find within the wide range of “aloe” cosmetic products nowadays. Here below we explain what facts should be taken into account if we want to differentiate a quality aloe cosmetic product from others:
- Intrinsic quality of the aloe vera as an ingredient. We will always choose those products in which the aloe vera gel has been obtained from inner leaf gel, avoiding products rehydrated from dust.
- Aloe vera content. The ingredients that appear in the INCI are ranked from highest to lowest percentage, so it is important to have aloe always in the first position.
- Freshness. The time that elapses since the plant is harvested until the product is launched on the market (time-to-market) is crucial, since we are talking about a photosensitive ingredient that deteriorates over time. The ingredient origin influences a lot in this aspect, since importing aloe vera from other continents can derive in months from its collection to product final consumption.
- Composition. We will choose natural products always, avoiding synthetic raw materials and/or packaging that hinder the recycling process.
- Certifications. They guarantee the quality of the products, which are subject to strict controls and quality audits.
Aware of the growing demand for quality aloe products, ATALAYA BIO raises as a brand that aims to be a benchmark in premium organic aloe vera products. ATALAYA BIO cosmetics incorporate high percentages of pure organic aloe vera, extracted from inner leaf gel, thus providing greater efficacy at a both cosmetic and therapeutic levels.
Our proximity to the European market allows us to offer a quick time-to-market, minimizing the time between the aloe collection and the consumption of the product, as well as helping reduce the carbon footprint. In addition, freshness is kept intact thanks to a 100% recyclable airfree container, which prevents our gel from rusting, contaminating or deteriorating.
Our organic aloe vera gels are dermatologically tested, and are even suitable for sensitive skins and facial use, having successfully passed the eye irritation test. The purity of our gel and its unique origin enhance the soothing effect of aloe vera, ideal for relieving skin burns (from heat stroke, fire, abrasion...) and mosquito bites. Also, and as you well know, aloe vera is characterized by its high moisturizing and soothing capacity, helping to regenerate the skin naturally.