Why do we bet on biodynamic agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture is a variety of organic agriculture started in 1924, based on the theories of Rudolf Steiner, founder of anthroposophy. Biodynamic agricultural practices consider the farm as a whole, constituting a complex organism in a perfect environmental balance, focusing especially on the interrelation between soil, plants and animals. Currently, it is a certification granted by Demeter, synonym of biodynamic agriculture worldwide.
Our farm is a protected natural area of the Natura 2000 Network, free of pesticides, fertilizers and industrial herbicides, where our organic aloe vera coexists with protected animal species, as the Greek Tortoise, Bonelli's Eagle or the Peregrine Falcon. Also, we water our plants with pure spring water from the mountains that surround our farm. Unconsciously, our agricultural activity has always shared much of the biodynamic philosophy, since its very beginnings, so we consider it interesting and natural to take a step towards a Demeter certification, in our constant aim of offering the best certified aloe vera products in the market. In Spain, we have great references such as the DEMETER certified organic olive oil from Casa Pareja, a case of success that encouraged us to get started into biodynamic agriculture.
Biodynamic agriculture differs from other forms of organic farming by its peculiar techniques of land caring, aimed to improve fertility through the use of plant and mineral preparations to vivify the soil. By increasing the biological activity of the soil, we increase the nutritional quality of our ecological aloe vera, improving resistance to potential pests and diseases, and intensifying humus growth within the soil. This point may seem pretty obvious, but we must not forget that any good obtained from agriculture, delegates much of its quality on soil fertility.
Currently, we elaborate a biodynamic compost from goat manure, from a nearby organic farm, and we periodically apply biodynamic preparations on our organic aloe vera plantation, towards the upcoming prestigious Demeter certification, highly recognized in organic farming in Europe.