The only biodynamic aloe vera plantation of Europe in Natura 2000 Network
What is Natura 2000 Network?
Natura 2000 Network is a network of conservation areas for biodiversity in the European Union. This network has two types of protected areas: SPA - Special Protection Area, established accordingly to the Birds Directive and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) designed accordingly to the Habitat Directive. Its purpose is to ensure the European's most endangered species and their habitat survival in the long term. It contributes to halting the loss of biodiversity caused by human activity and is the main tool to preserve nature across the European Union.
The need to preserve those areas
Aware of the need to preserve the protected natural areas in which our activity takes place, we decided to grow organic aloe vera, (with the regional government's approval). The main reasons to choose this crop were:
- Plant with low water needs, that adapt well to semi-arid land and translate in more efficient use of water resources.
- Aloe vera is organic in itself.
At ATALAYA BIO, we believe in the fundamental importance of the sustainable development in these sensitive surroundings with a large biodiversity, achieved by implementing only good environmentally friendly farming practices. For example, we plant in a density of 6,000plants/ha, against many industrial plantations of up to 30,000plants/ha. We do so to allow other protected species to flourish, as -for example- the spur-thighed tortoise, which breed and lays its eggs between aloes.
Benefits for the consumer
The main benefits form the products grown in the Natura 2000 Network areas are:
- Purity, since the plantation surroundings are not in contact with any source of pollution.
- Guaranteed quality.
- Its sales help us keep developing sustainable farming and fighting threats in those protected areas, so ensuring its continuity.
Did you know that ATALAYA BIO is the only organic aloe vera plantation of Europe in Natura 2000 Network?